Upgrade Workflow in Veterinary Dentistry
    Full Mouth X-Ray Scanning System
  • MYVET CT i3D
    It’s Time to
    Make Your Practice Grow!
    Spiral Linear Veterinary Specialized CT System
  • MyVet Table 32+
    Fully Integrated
    Veterinary X-Ray System
  • x-ray table system
    VET Table SYSTEM
    The Veterinary Elevating DR X-Ray Table delivers
    silent elevation to fulfill comfort and stability
  • darkblurbg
    Veterinary Digital X-Ray Imaging Solution

Veterinary Digital Imaging

Our Wireless detectors give you the freedom, speed and accuracy that you need for diagnosis in the X-ray room and beyond. Thin, lightweight and durable, our wireless detectors offer true portability and flexibility.

Whole Body Tomographic System

The MyVet CT system utilizes a medical reconstruction algorithm that generates high-quality 2D and 3D tomographic images by processing x-ray projection data acquired from various angles around the patient.

Veterinary Intraoral X-Ray

Our Intraoral imaging system is the ideal veterinary digital imaging solution. It provides higher diagnostic value with superior image quality for precise and advanced intraoral radiography.

Featured Product | MyVet CT i3D

Myvet CT i3D

The new standard for veterinary computed tomography is the MyVet CT i3D, incorporating innovative spiral linear technology. The linear detector acquires thin image slices within a large field of view as the x-ray tube circles around the advancing table.

A large bore accommodates medium/large dogs and the elevating table facilitates animal positioning in center of bore to maximize image acquisition.

  • 3D reconstruction view
  • 23 inch wide bore diameter
  • Superior soft tissue image
  • Narrow slice thickness

New Products and News

This section shows upcoming events and the lastest news regarding MyVet products and shows

Equine x-ray

New products | MvVet Table 32+

MyVet Imaging is unveiling a fully integrated X-ray table system. The 32+ delivers significant energy rapidly, facilitating the generation of X-rays through high-power bursts.

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Events & Exhibition

Join MyVet Imaging at VMX 2025 and experience the latest advancements in veterinary imaging. PLUS, we’re giving away stylish Owala water bottles to qualified visitors—a perfect addition to your busy days at the show!

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New partnership with SOUND


SK Telecom with MyVet Imaging for AI Vet Diagnostics solution, X Caliber in the US.

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Core Technology

We are dedicated to advancing veterinary imaging technology with a comprehensive portfolio of high-performance solutions for clinics and practices. Our products are designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy and streamline workflow, catering to the unique needs of veterinary professionals.

X-Ray Solutions

Our innovative x-ray systems, from ergonomic dental x-ray to full-body radiography and veterinary-specific panoramic imaging, deliver precision and reliability with detectors across all veterinary diagnostic needs .

CT Solutions

Designed for comprehensive internal assessments, our full-body and dental CT systems provide high-resolution, 3D imaging tailored to veterinary applications.

Software and AI Technology

Enhancing diagnostic workflows, our advanced x-ray acquisition software and AI-powered denoising technology deliver sharper, clearer images with user-friendly operation.
